8 January 2012


So. Having finally decided to make a blog, what better way to start than by explaining why I'm doing it?

Well........it's to thank Allah.

Every single day, we have something to be grateful for. At the time we (well, I) may acknowledge the blessing, thank Him (if we remember), then continue on with life as though it was what we deserved anyway and immediately forget about it.

So, from now on, I endeavour to record these blessed moments Insha'Allah so that they serve as a reminder to me of how merciful our Creator truly is, Subhanallah Subhanallah.

 Our beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was a complete embodiment of Shukr. One night he spent many hours standing in Salaah. When asked as to why he subjected himself to such difficulty when Allah has already forgiven his past, present and future sins, he simply replied, "Should I not be a grateful servant?".

O Allah! Help me to remember You, to thank You, and to worship You in the best of manners. Ameen.

All good in this post is from Allah SWT and any bad is from myself.


  1. Mashallah, What a beautiful reason for blogging sister.

  2. Jazakallah, please pray that it serves it's purpose! lol and thank you for taking the time to comment :)


Shukr....for commenting below! :)